Powerhoof! Blog Archives

The Telwynium – Book Three

The Shadow of Spring The Telwynium: Book Threeby Powerhoof Welp, we’re really neglecting this blog ha ha! But I’ve wrapped up the next instalment of The Telwynium! So what better excuse to update you here 😀 Another year to look … Continue Reading

The Telwynium – Book Two

The Summer King The Telwynium: Book Two by Powerhoof I’ve wrapped up the next instalment of The Telwynium! Just in time for Christmas! Looking back on the year, we’ve still mostly been working on The Drifter and Acid Knife. Both … Continue Reading

The Drifter Dev Diaries

Youtubey goodness Ok, I guess I’ve done enough of these that it’s worth sharing! Been doing these dev diaries on youtube the last couple of months, I just record them at the start of a dev stream, so they don’t … Continue Reading


A nifty 2d adventure toolkit for Unity I posted here aaaages ago about PowerQuest in it’s early stages, but haven’t really mentioned it since. However, I’ve been working on it steadily, alongside The Drifter, and it’s pretty fully featured now. … Continue Reading

Blog update!

Comments are back! After years of neglect I (Dave that is) have finally fixed wordpress so that comments show up on pages again! WordPress keeps updating automatically on me and breaking things, and I’ve been pretty lazy with fixing it. … Continue Reading

The Telwynium

A cosy 90s Fantasy Adventure The Telwynium by Powerhoof I got all nostalgic for Adventure Jam this year. With an EGA game inspired by the games and fantasy novels I grew up on. It seemed to strike a chord with … Continue Reading

Intergalactic Wizard Force

It’s Twins (1988), but with wizards… in space I teamed up with Jacob Janerka (or Paradigm Adventure fame) to make another point ‘n click over the last couple of weeks for AdvXJam! Intergalactic Wizard Force by Powerhoof Travel between planets, … Continue Reading

Free Game Double Feature

You’re Watching ICEBOX!   It’s been a while since we released a free game, so here’s two! The first is a comedy adventure, along the same line as last years The Inanimate Mr Coatrack (and with a returning character!). Try … Continue Reading

The Drifter Reveal

Announcing our upcoming Pulp Adventure Thriller! Check out the steam page here for info, and follow/wishlist while you’re at it! There’s also a press-kit with basically the same info in a much more boring layout- http://press.thedriftergame.com

Powerhoof T-Shirts out now!

Conceal your upper torso in style We now have t-shirts! Barney’s created a bunch of awesome t-shirt art and we have two very cool designs by guest artists @sixfootewok and @Qt0ri available now thanks to our good friends at Samurai … Continue Reading