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Switch Release Date Is Out

Crawl is launching on Switch, December 19th!

We have our Switch version of Crawl all polished up and ready to go, launching just in time for Christmas woo!

What a pleasant surprise to have Nintendo put out this perfect little console for local multiplayer!

Switch is such a great match for Crawl, and I’m stoked to have a game coming out on a Nintendo console – 12 year old me would totally lose his mind over this, haha 🙂

Thanks for all the support, we have such a great community around this game, and I hope you have a blast with Crawl on the Switch!!


RHB Coming to Steam in 2018

All-Improved Regular Humaning

Woah, it’s been way too long since we posted what we’ve been working on… As we come out of the long Aussie winter we’ll start posting more regularly though. We’ll have another announcement in a few weeks too, but for now…

We’ve been working on updating Regular Human Basketball for the new millennium, and bringing it to Steam! It’s still a ways off, but look out for it in 2018!

Here’s some of the new stuff we’re adding:

  • Online multiplayer
  • Multiple arenas
  • All that steam pizzazz, like achievements, and the ability to leave nasty reviews
  • Loads of little gameplay tweaks, new art and all new soundtrack
  • Less free! (although only slightly)

We’re taking it to Pax Aus this weekend, and a few weeks later Barney’s bringing it to San Fransisco for Day of the Devs, we’ll have a stack of controllers for some 4 on 4 ballin’ so come along if you can!


Adventure Trifecta

A puzzling series of events

Despite taking a bit of a breather from Crawl after the launch, I’ve been keeping pretty busy. In the last month I’ve released a trio of little adventure games! I had help of course, including voices by Adrian Vaughan (who narrated Crawl), and music from Louis Meyer (who’s helped me with bits of Crawl code).

The first, Snowed In was made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare, with a friend Gav Kusters doing art. It’s a whimsical storybook tale with a sweary badger.

A week or two later, I released MURDERCIDE 2017 which I’d been initially using as a test project for a unity adventure game system I was working on. It’s a cyberpunk parody starring our buddy Jon Murphy who ported Crawl to Xbox One and PS4. I also got to try out my art skills on this one!

Shortly after that we realized that Adventure Jam 2017 was happening, so we jumped in with a week to go and made a horror thing called Peridium. Barney did the art for this one, so it’s totes legit Powerhoof!

Check them all out on the More Games Page. Or visit powerhoof.itch.io where there’s a bit more detail, plus some other free stuff we’ve made that you might have missed!


Pixel Art Rant

Why are we seeing so much pixel art these days?

I was recently asked for my opinions on why we’re seeing such an influx of pixel art in modern games. Where I had intended to write a quick paragraph, it turned out I had a lot of rambling thoughts on the topic brewing in my subconscious, which unfurled into an unwieldy rambling essay, which is likely of little use the the person initially seeking my thoughts on the matter. Instead of dumping these ramblings in the trash, I thought I’d leave them here on the blog, in case someone finds them interesting.


Continue reading


The full version is loose in the wild!

We have a new boss, a bunch of new monsters, new items, new props, achievements, trading cards, OST, a million little fixes, and a brand new trailer starring Ye Old Shrimpeyes and the eternal rotting void…

Now to go and watch the website analytics until my eyes roll out of my face!!


Crawl on consoles?

The move to consoles brings up beef!

Looking back at our ups and downs trying to get Crawl done, there is one silly email I sent that always makes me think “holy crap, how is this my job?!” haha.

Crawl is out TOMORROW????!?!?!?!?


Narrator Voice Behind-the-Scenes

Time for more Shrimpy!

Getting close to launch time means making another trailer, which means another incredibly professional recording session with Ye Old Shrimpeyes!

Hopefully it doesn’t shatter the illusion haha 🙂


Crawl Launch Announcement

Finally ready for launch, AND COMING TO CONSOLES 🙂

After all this time we’re finally ready to call this thing 1.0! We have a new boss all ready to go, a bunch of new stuff including achievements, Steam trading cards etc, and our buddy Jon has been slaving away on console ports!

I’m just putting the finishing touches on our launch trailer after a few recording sessions with Ye Old Shrimpeyes, so be ready for more video silliness on the 11th 🙂

Also TAKE THAT YARRIS!!! Finally someone with the guts to take those Yarris guys down a peg!


Karate Basketball Enhanced Edition

Local Multiplayer! Weapons! Rapping!


I’ve just released an enhanced edition of Karate Basketball on itch.io! You can play with others local-multiplayer now, so you’ll have more to do at your Crawl parties while waiting for the big 1.0 update (we’re working hard on that too!)

The new edition also has weapons to throw at each other, dodge rolls, more commentary, and some pretty sweet basketball themed rapping!

Grab it from itch.io



Update v0.12: Eye Bat is ready in time for Christmas!

Welp, we’ve got a bunch more Crawl stuff out for the holidays!


Apart from expanding the eye bat evolve tree, the main focus this update has been monster balance. A lot of the crappier monsters have been tweaked/buffed, and a few of the more powerful guys have been tweaked to be less OP.

Aaaaand… CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WOOO! Hehe I hope you all enjoy it, and please let us know how the monster changes are working for you!
