Powerhoof! Experiments

The Telwynium – Book Three

The Shadow of Spring

Welp, we’re really neglecting this blog ha ha! But I’ve wrapped up the next instalment of The Telwynium! So what better excuse to update you here 😀

Another year to look back on… I’m still full time on The Drifter, and its still coming along. Finished the writing pass and started recording voices and working on SFX. About 1/3 still needs artwork so that’s the big thing. But we’ll see how fast we can make progress this year!

If you’d like more updates (I just noticed a bunch of comments in here that I ignored all year, sorry), there’s our discord where we’re chatting daily, and I’ve been doing youtube dev diary entries periodically too!

Well, until next time, have a great year!

– Dave

The Telwynium

A cosy 90s Fantasy Adventure

I got all nostalgic for Adventure Jam this year. With an EGA game inspired by the games and fantasy novels I grew up on.

It seemed to strike a chord with a bunch of other devs, because it was voted #1 in the Jam!

– Dave

Catching up on the year’s jams!

When will the madness stop?

I’m back for my traditional December post with the games we made with the SeaDads and neglected to share here!

The most recent first- Overcooked meets M*A*S*H in our entry for Ludum Dare 43. Dave did code/sound/design on this and Barney jumped on board for animations and effects.

The only Powerhoof link here is that I did sounds, but it’s got pirate babies, so I HAVE to put it here. Also, it scored first place for Ludum Dare 42!

Lastly, one I did for Global Game Jam back in January, fight off a briney menace using morse code (and maybe learn some along the way). I even made a custom controller for this one that I’m pretty proud of!


Moar Jam Games

A Hotdog, an Orphan and a Priest walk into a bar…

Get yer mitts on some more games we’ve game-jammed (and neglected to post here already).

A fanny-pack appreciation based shooter made by Dave and his fellow SeaDads for Ludum Dare 40. Including art from Jacob Janerka who made the amazing Paradigm

Barney struck out on his own for Ludum Dare 39, and made a creepy game about an orphan who just wants to be loved, with multiple endings and lots of cinder-block munching!

And for the same jam, Dave and the SeaDads made a clunky mech-warrior job about a mechanized priest protecting his flock, with overly complicated power management controls!

Dave’s Adventure Games

Wintermute Studios

Back in 2002 I discovered a nifty tool for making classic point and click adventure games called Adventure Game Studio.  AGS got me hooked on making video games, and it’s all I’ve wanted to do ever since!


I’ve made quite a few little adventures, a lot of which I used to release under the name “Wintermute Studios”. They’re all free, and you can grab them from wintermutestudiosgames.com

The Unicated

The Unicated was my most recent little adventure game. Although it was a couple of years ago now. I made it in a month for a little competition where the theme was “Evil Twin”, the music’s by the talented @sunraheadgear with voices by the irrepressible Mr. Adrian Vaughan.


A short twisted tale about conjoined twins; one good, one evil. Can they learn to work together before they’re literally torn apart?

Grab it here!

 – Dave

Friday Prototyping

So I’ve been spending Fridays trying out little random ideas, some of them for Crawl,  and others are just little one off game experiments.  These prototypes are all very rough and unpolished but maybe interesting from a purely academic standpoint. They’re fun to make in any case!

Here’s a couple that are at least semi-playable:

Time Taxi

The year is THE FUTURE. As a lowly taxi driver, you can’t afford the rent on your tiny apartment in Cititropolis, let alone support your family. Unless… you could complete multiple fares AT THE SAME TIME USING TIME-TRAVEL BECAUSE YOUR TAXI ALSO IS A TIME MACHINE!

This is what the future looks like

Play It!

(You need the unity web plugin)


How Do I Shoot?

The idea’s that you’re a dude that can’t shoot but you use the enemies bullets against them. Basically just wanted an excuse for lots of homing missiles.
So just survive as long as you can (probably not long). My high-score (KELS) is 23, although it’s highly dependent on how many turret ships you get.

Lightning quick reflexes a must!

Play It!

(You need the unity web plugin for this one too)

 – Dave