Powerhoof! Dave’s Adventure Games...

Wintermute Studios

Back in 2002 I discovered a nifty tool for making classic point and click adventure games called Adventure Game Studio. Β AGS got me hooked on making video games, and it’s all I’ve wanted to do ever since!


I’ve made quite a few little adventures, a lot of which I used to release under the name “Wintermute Studios”. They’re all free, and you can grab them from wintermutestudiosgames.com

The Unicated

The Unicated was my most recent little adventure game. Although it was a couple of years ago now. I made it in a month for a little competition where the theme was “Evil Twin”, the music’s by the talented @sunraheadgear with voices by the irrepressible Mr. Adrian Vaughan.


A short twisted tale about conjoined twins; one good, one evil. Can they learn to work together before they’re literally torn apart?

Grab it here!

Β – Dave

  1. Yess!!! thanks!! Time to begin my first game πŸ˜‰

  2. I just tried and finished “The Unicated” and I must say it’s completely awesome! Too bad it’s too short though πŸ™

    Maybe one day you’ll get back to it and make completely awesome old school quest about twins? Try Kickstarter, maybe? Because I’m ready to throw some money for this product πŸ™‚

    • oh awesome, Dave will be really happy to hear that- he did all the character art himself which is pretty damn tight! You might recognize the voice work from Crawl too πŸ™‚ in fact the environments are all drawl by “old shrimpeyes” our voice-over guy

      actually Dave has already put a lot of work into designing the next adventure game- I’ve done a mockup here http://www.powerhoof.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/hilary_enviro2b.jpg

      i’d love to do art for an adventure game- really get to do some silly cartoony animation and stuff- but it’s on hold at the moment until we get Crawl really established!

    • Yeah, I’m really keen to do more adventure game stuff. Especially with Barney doing art. It’s very different than working on a game like Crawl, so should be a good change of pace!

      • That was some really fast answer, wow! Haha! Yeah, I saw that mock up yesterday and it looks great, it really does πŸ™‚ What I mean is I really loved “The Unicated” concept where two characters are completely different but still work together and all the controls were so intuitive, and that LMB+RMB thing, I was all “Wow, that’s kinda unique!”, so I wanted to experiment and ‘click+click’ everywhere in the game πŸ˜€ I really loved that short game and I really looking into this one, even if won’t happen in next 5-10 years, I still be waiting for it! Well, if it won’t happen, then I have no choice but to buy rights from you guys and make my own quest about these twins! πŸ˜€ Well, you’ve got a point πŸ™‚ I believe you should back to it, like, really, it was THAT MUCH awesome. So I’ll just wait for a chance to throw my money at you if Kickstarter page happen for “The Unicated” some day πŸ™‚

        “Crawl”, yeah, thank god I never saw this game before, I figured out about the game just a week ago. Too bad it’s delayed, but I hope you guys will spend this time to improve it just a bit more, maybe catch and crush some bugs here and there or add some more content, I don’t know πŸ™‚ “Crawl” looks like a must buy game for me and my girlfriend and we’re all looking for some simple but fun co-op games, especially “the same screen” games without those split screens and etc. weird things which give us a “headache”. I hope there will be tons and tons of achievement and you guys won’t put new content in for at least next six or more month, because “Crawl” looks worth all the waiting, updating and etc. cool things πŸ™‚ I wouldn’t mind to pay for content as well for both of us here (DLCs) πŸ™‚ I’m way too much excited for that unlimitedly fun arcade rogue or whatever genre this game is, it’s still simple, looks great and it feels like it plays as awesome as it looks already πŸ˜€

        Wow, that wall of text… Anyways! I wish you guys good luck with “Crawl” project, its community and game sells as well! “Nidhogg” should be jealous now, because there’s another simple and amazing product coming ;D You guys have our support, from both me and Nastya, you should already feel our positive energy that goes through you, sparkles and launches rainbows everywhere πŸ™‚ But cash is coming later as well πŸ˜‰

        All regards and love,

        • Ouch, tons of typos:
          * we’re always looking
          * achievements
          * won’t stop put new content into the game

          I’m sorry, English language isn’t my native one, I’m russian πŸ™‚

          • haha

            1- awesome message, so excited!
            2- now i know you’re Russian i read it all again imagining the TF2 heavy accent and it’s even better πŸ™‚

            yep, the mechanic for Unicated was definitely nice and elegant- i’m pretty sure it has many possible applications beyond the puzzles the game too… it might be interesting some day to find out what happened to the twins after they escaped the hospital πŸ™‚ who knows, i guess it all depends if dave is struck with a really good idea for continuing the story some time

            if/when we do get to have a holiday from crawl, if we want to work on an adventure game we have a dilemma of whether to keep using AGS (adventure game studio) or make a new set of tools within Unity, without all the very old fashioned limitations of AGS… definitely if we went to all the effort of making the tools from scratch it would be silly to use them for just one game!

  3. Wintermute reminded me of this engine – http://dead-code.org/home/ πŸ˜›

    • hehe I think “wintermute” is a reference from Neuromancer… I guess there’s a lot of crossover with adventure game fans and William Gibson fans! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, I started using that name just before Wintermute engine came out. I thought it was a pretty cool name when I though of it, but got sick of it pretty fast. It’s like getting a tattoo a bit, you don’t want to get one of something you “really like” at the time because it gets old as soon as you find the next thing you “really like”. In hindsight I should have just said they were “Games by Dave Lloyd”, rather than pretending I was a real company.

