9 Crawl Run Animations?
10 Crawl Run Animations WOOO!
Crawl Launch Back On Track!
“Two weeks! Two weeks! Two… weeks? Twoooooo weeeeeeeeks!” -Future Lady
So we’re back on track and finally have a new launch date! Get ready to play some Crawl on August 6th everybody- now featuring a special super-secret new IRS MAN monster!!
We have another little monster clip, and I have made a new little image to celebrate!
Oh yeah, we also have a for-real page up now on Steam- YAY!
We’ve had to make the decision to delay Crawl; we won’t be releasing on July 17th unfortunately – We’re really sorry! I hope this doesn’t mess you guys around too much!
Here is my simplified rendition of how things went down, in GIF format:
What happened?
There were some tax issues with us being a partnership based in Australia, so we changed Powerhoof into a Company at the start of the month.
Everything was on track until pretty much the last step, where we got hit with an unexpected bit of red tape that we were told “may take up to 30 days” to resolve. We tried to find a way around it, but there’s nothing we can do.
When is Crawl coming out then?
We don’t know how long we’ll be delayed. It could be a couple of days, it could be a couple of weeks (we REALLY hope not!). As soon as we can we’ll let you all know.
What will we do with the extra time?
We don’t know how much extra time we’ll have, but since we already have the build ready to go we can start adding some of our cool wishlist ideas!
The Countdown Continues
Nine days to go and here is the second little trailer from our bestiary:
Nice work Shrimpy voicing the narrator and the cackling witches.
The Countdown Begins!
Here is the first of our little series of monster trailers leading up to launch.
As per usual, awesome voice work by “old shrimp-eyes” and awesome music by Alex Yoder.
Now I Have A Date To Worry About!
There may or may not be a specific launch date mentioned in the trailer… oh crap, better get to work!
It’s so so close, TIME TO PANIC!
We’re working like crazy, and I’m freaking out- it’s almost here- launch time is almost here!
I’m putting the finishing touches on the first of our little sequence of “Meet the Beast” launch trailers introducing people to the mechanics of some of our monsters. We’re planning to announce our launch date with the first trailer but now I’m crapping myself to actually announce it for real!!
What if something goes wrong and we can’t do it on time and the internet hates us? What if our tutorials don’t make sense and what if we choose the wrong price to sell for and what if we should have gone with a publisher and what if my computer has a virus and what if my legs are crushed under an oil rig minutes before I upload the trailer to YouTube and we miss the launch date and I’m forever mocked and called “old brittle Pete” because my legs didn’t have the strength to take it?
In between working on the trailers and panicking, I’ve been putting together all the different art to support our Steam page- it’s all starting to feel way too real seeing the Steam page come together, I really hope my brain doesn’t explode!
Where we’re at…
Well, we’ve got our build pretty close to the target feature set for launching on Steam Early Access, so our final testing/polishing phase before release has begun!
We had a playtesting session on the weekend and it all went pretty well- we have a handful of changes and fixes to make, but mostly we’ll be focused on the more boring business/marketing/technical stuff from here until launch…
End screen mockup
I’ve already twittered this and facebooked it and tigsourced it… what better way to procrastinate than also blogging it!
This is a sketch for an endgame screen, the idea being that if the boss beats you he escapes the dungeon in your place and gets unleashed on the world… Ideally I would break this up into parallax layers, add some subtle animated elements, and have the camera panning a little to show the parallax and put a little movement and life into it.