Yup it’s another update- v0.8 woo!
We’ve been slugging away at our crazy submerged statue boss for a while now, so to stop everyone getting too bored waiting, we put together a new update 🙂

Go into The Vault and select any monster you’ve discovered, to practice your technique in a single-player Challenge Mode 🙂 We’ve also got new traps, new artifacts, and I’ve done a whole load of monster and weapon balancing. Oh yeah, and we’ve got some AI helper ghosts to get the bosses working properly in 2p and 3p games- hope you like it!!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay so excited to play Challenge Mode
This game is incredible! Thanks for the update guys.
It’s not even December 4th for me. 😛 Glad I checked.
Whoop I can’t wait to try this mode and fight this new boss ^_^
No, new boss not out yet.
Please guy try to release an online 1.0 patch at the christmas day because so much of my friends ( and more people i thinks ) wait the online to buy crawl and christmas is the perfect occasion for ! ( sry my english is bad )
If you guys made an online-multiplayer option for this game, I promise you would sell multi-fold what you have. Actually I just really want to play this with my online friends lol.
They mentioned that they probably wouldnt since it would require rewriting alot of the game. But theres still a chance, i hope anyway
I found a bug, there is a trap that I couldn’t use it because I got kicked out every time I tried to possess it
I check your blog weekly , excited to see a new update. Thanks for all the new stuff 🙂
Glad to haar you guys are still alive! Was afraad someone ran away with my money 😉 Wich would not be that bad cause the game in this state is already far beyond what I paid for…
Awesome! I can’t wait to try it. You guys are making a superb game! Thanks for supporting Linux, local multiplayer, and thanks for supporting DRM-free. 🙂
Full list of changes here in case anyone is interested:
Keep doing great work, haven’t had this much fun in a long time =]
I’mma try to start making noise, and here seems a good place to start. But first and foremost, I love this game. My friends really enjoy this game. We play it, on average, a few times a month. Sometimes more. Been like that for a while, and I foresee that continuing.
But kourok needs an update. In my group, he way underperforms. To the extent that matches are won or lost entirely by which of the two bosses the game tosses to player to enter the portal. If it’s Ghiorrak, a tense fight; if it’s Kourok, a flailing waste of time, barring human error.
Please, please buff Kourok.
Humble Bundle isn’t up to date! Give’em a swift kick in the butt!
Quick question Will PowerHoof make Crawl moddable after full release?
Hey, don’t know if you’ll take any notice of this but i just started playing this game recently and its awesome and i thought of an idea:
Just like with the challenge mode you just released, i thought you could release some kind of gauntlet or fighting pit for the hero where he starts in a shop and has 0 gold and gos into the the pit to fight a wave of monsters and after every wave you get gold to go back and spend in the shop on better gear then go back in. there could be like 10 waves with random enemies evolving as you go along as well as traps the ghosts can use till you finish all the monsters, then at the end you could unlock a peice of artwork for the vault or new possible weapons, monsters or gods you could only get this way. It would add an extra mode like the monster challenge mode, give the player a chance to practice with the hero just like with the monsters and it would be fun in its own right. 🙂
hey, that sounds really cool 🙂 we’re not likely to add more modes any time soon- we just have our hands way too full with the core game still- but will keep that idea in mind if we do get a chance for more modes down the track 🙂
Yeh it would be cool to have some more exploration in the game, i think extra game modes should be merged into the main game. 😀
Barney, I have a question.
Is Crawl be called a pixel isometric game or is it just 2d?
* Is Crawl a pixel isometric game or is it just 2d? (Sorry, hadn’t slept well because of exams.)
Crawl is 2d, and is also drawn in an isometric perspective (as if the camera is slightly tilted upwards, but with no foreshortening)… so I guess the answer is it’s both 🙂