Powerhoof! COUNTDOWN: 7 Days To Release...

7 Crawl Run Animations… I am losing touch with what day it is!




  1. Pingback: Crawl Countdown – 7 Days to Release… | better in 2D

  2. AvoLafferty

    It’s really cool to see how casual you guys are about all of this.
    I’m pumped to get myself a copy, with a large group of friends waiting for the inevitable marathon. Usually I have to try extremely hard to convince people to try a game with me, but your trailer is so good at explaining and giving a feeling of what the game is about, that all I had to do is slam it in their faces and now I’ve got my friends harassing me about how much longer until it’s time to Crawl. But I wanted to say thanks, regardless of whether or not you had doubts about Crawl exploding with popularity, you still made it, and that’s awesome! And I’m excited to see what steps you take in the future!

    • everything this guy says …

      • CMS2000

        Everything this guy says…

        • thanks guys! It’s such a weird niche game (local muti on a pc? characters less than 20 pixels tall?) we were pretty worried about trying to convince people on the idea 🙂 really glad to think the trailer is working so well to get the idea across, and that you guys are out there making people watch it!!

  3. The wait for this game is unbearable. This is going to be the ultimate party game. I could probably get a 4 teams of 2 setup so we could have 8 players at once, switching controllers to the next person for every floor cleared or something like that.

    • awesome 🙂 dave has been concocting some plans to maybe make a version with a special mode designed around handing controllers off when you die for playing at festivals and stuff- could be a fun way to have more people involved!

  4. orchidmantis

    Ditto to AvoLafferty’s comment about how it is hard to convince my friends to get a game but the trailer sold it for them.

    • cheers 🙂 you wouldn’t believe how much we worried about the trailer and argued about silly details- so glad to think it hit the mark!

  5. Trylobot

    I’m a huge fan of 4-player games, and it can be hard to get a group together, but I’m pretty good at it. I sometimes buy time at nearby restaurants and hangouts so that I can use their projector/meeting rooms just for videogame get-togethers. My other favourite 4-player party games are Samurai Gunn and Towerfall.

    Crawl is set to dethrone both of them as my new favourite, if it is anywhere near as fun as it looks like it’ll be.

    Good work so far, Powerhoof. I’ll be the first customer in line when you release, and I’ll be promptly taking my gaming laptop to a board game night that very same day at work to crash the fuck out of it and take over the whole thing with this game. Cheers, mate.

    • haha that’s awesome!!! definitely worth playing an a big projector, I wish I had access to one all the time 🙂

  6. Atrius

    6 days to release 😀

  7. Atrius

    Please no more delays, please no more delays. *Crosses fingers*

    • haha i’m pretty sure we’re past the point where anything can delay us now 🙂 (i bloody well hope so anyway! i don’t have time to make any more apologetic gifs!)

      • Atrius

        But in the gif “Launch Date Announced! Nothing can stop us now!” Then the Red Tape happened.

