A little glimpse at animations for the latest boss
It has been a while with no updates while we work on this boss, so I thought I’d start sharing some GIFs to tide you over while you wait 🙂

The next boss is a big gold statue brought to life, and this is the shaman who gives him that life with his voodoo spell.

And here he is getting his precious voodoo mask knocked off 🙂 More GIFs soon!
Gorgeous. Looking forward to it immensely. I wonder, if unleashed, will it be the statue then? Surely not the shaman :p .
The picture I have in mind for when it’s unleashed would have the shaman riding on the statue’s shoulder, pointing him towards destruction 🙂
That sounds beautiful.
Thanks powerhoof for letting us know about the new update, i check this page almost everyday and was delighted to see something new 😀
Cheers 🙂 sorry for being so slack updating recently- sometimes I get so busy working and I just want to get it done, I forget people still want to see stuff when it’s half finished!
I would have expected a totem pole or something instead of a statue, but i like this idea!
I’ll post some GIFS of the statue in action soon 🙂
Is this hinting at the giant gold statue that used to trade your blood for gold in the shops in-game? That would for sure be a cool way to include him back into the game!
Also there are too many fans of this game with the name of “Tom” or “Thomas” haha. 🙂
hehe nah it’s a different statue, but I do miss that old guy- I wonder if he’ll find some new home…
This is a game for all Toms/Thomas’s to throughly enjoy take pride that you know that your community is one that is probably just like you! Long live the Tom’s! x3
:D! I hope we don’t get washed away in this new flood of Toms!
I’m so glad yall posted this sneak peek I needed my fix lol
the boss looks awesome!Looking forward to play with him but is there new momsters added? 🙂
I haven’t done any new monsters yet- not quite sure when I’ll add more
Mate I love this game sooooooo much. Im in melbourne, and its good to see small indie game devs making really world class fun different games.
I reall hop you guys put hidden passages in it. that would totally be like a cherry on top 🙂
I love this voodo master and I can’t wait for the statue boss! Also, will Crawl continue to get updates after it is released in full, or will you guys move on to other games?
cheers Jack 🙂 I do plan to continue adding updates after full release. We will be working on new projects as well, but there are so many possibly new bosses etc, and I don’t want to delay lunch for another 2 years just to get them all in, so ideally I’d keep adding them every now and then after launch
Yes, how terrible to delay lunch. 🙂
Fantastic game! Looks great! Keep up the good work!
So, is he the hydra priest brother, or rival? Kourok should also have a cultist who summons him. And when the player fails and is consumed, please show us them getting eaten, or burned, something to show that they are gone.
This guy would be a rival to the hydra wizard, because he is teaming up with the boss- he’s part of the boss really- where as the hydra wizard is another trapped soul trying to help you defeat the hydra 🙂
Evil twin!
Love this game! Excellent example of how to do EARLY ACCESS the right way!
thanks, great to hear that 🙂
I recently working on my Engeenering Thesis, and find out that Crawl is making in Unity. So is there posibility that there gonna be some support for moders or addons? I have couple idea, for nasty monsters, that can surely eat some heros 😉 and btw. good job, on this amazing piece of work name Crawl 🙂
any speculation about update date?
More bosses guys!:)
we’re working on it!!
I think the most important thing crawl needs right now is more special events and rooms, how awesome would it be to suddenly step into a room that for example, has some kinda blood rite on the ground where you need to collect pieces from other rooms to complete it.
yep, that kind of stuff would be awesome- we initially planned to have things like that, but they’re just not high enough priority compared to other features unfortunately
Yeh, i see you guys are more busy with filling up the evolution trees, updating UI and adding new items 😀
Every party I bring this game to just becomes another #CRAWL party.
– Get rekt
Nice work! Can’t wait to see more! 😀
Kind of reminds me of Voldemort. Avada Kedabra!
Are you planning to make other usages for wraith like buffing monsters or something like that?
Nah, no plans like that at the moment- I initially did plan on some of that stuff, but it ended up seeming unnecessary. I am tempted to make stated-up versions of the tier 4s so you can keep evolving to increase their strength, but then I think that might be going against our goal to keep the matches short… hmm tough decisions!
Well I will say that a lot of my friends and I would absolutely love the ability to stat up your monsters past tier 4. We sometimes avoid facing the boss until lvl 15-20 because we like the games to take longer, but at that high of levels, the hero starts outpacing the monsters pretty quickly.
An option to set at what level the portal opens could be fun too maybe?
Maybe the monsters could get upgrades to their move sets past that level. Ex. Giant’s rock does more area damage or necromancer’s minions are spawned with more health and speed.
When do you think you’ll have the third boss done and ready? I’m so excited to fight it!
Is there much time for the next game update ?
just curious
I wish there an option to name the monsters
Oh man, that is an awesome idea! Pretty sure we won’t have time in the schedule to implement it, but that would be amazing! We don’t want to have names for them, so that players have to invent names, but if we made you give them names we could still refer by name without defining them ourselves, and it would be super funny 🙂
Guys, I’ve played your game with a few dozen of my friends now, and literally every person I’ve played it with has loved it.
Their #1 request for you, literally 100% across the board every person asks for this: “Is it on the PS4 store? I’ll buy it when I get home.”
You guys need to seriously consider porting to the PS4 platform soon. It’s such a great party game, it’s ruined everyone else’s parties I’ve brought it to.
Anyways, even if you don’t you’re still my favourite developers. Keep doing what you’re doing, guys.
– T
Don’t forget ’bout the XBOX ONE 🙂
I love your game, keep the good work 🙂
I have an idea for a new beast 🙂 it is a really creepy owl, do what you want from there
Seriously your game is so great *_* ! Best party game ever !!! I take this game at each party 🙂 ! I saw an idea with we can name the monster, that’s should be great :3. But i have some idea too, i love the spider but at HL she is too weak, maybe can we have a spider mother in tier 4 ? She will use some web like the two other and spawn some little spider like the necromancer ! I dreamed of this monster hahaha. And maybe some option for the players who whant to do the boss only at the lv they want and not only the lv10 ? With this option the buff for the tier 4 monster will be usefull ;). Thanks a lot for all your GREAT work, you ‘re the best ! Continue like this !
hey there great to hear from you guys i seriously love this game and am glad to hear that stuff is still happening i was scared that you guys had stopped working on this ^_^ from what you said with the hydra wizard and mister voodoo up there i was wondering if there will be a story written about things like that and other things or is that a bit much to ask?
I saw a imp and a griffin looking thing in the trailer. Any info on that, a possible new monster. If so tell us it’s possible moves
Also a buff is needed to the god with the bow as it kinda sucks. And maybe a tier 5? And chz is op. Btw bots with repeaters are op as they always hit. Pls fix that thanks. Nice job on the boss keep up the great work.
Ps the god with the bow needs a upgrade. Chz is a little op, and the hydras fire head deals WAY too much damage. Keep up the great work and the boss looks amazing
You should name him ethnok!
Also you should let fans import photos of creatures that we think could be in the game
Hey, this comment has literally no purpose other than to be motivational ^_^ You guys rock! Keep on being literal gods, because you’re just that… well, freaking amazing! Thanks for making such a great game 😀
Not a bad idea. I would probably talk about the AI of the boss a bit more. If it was just like king slime in its movements, that would be kind of boring.
What version? is this