New monsters are out
Another update is ready!
We’ve been working on prototyping new boss ideas, but we’re taking little breaks to put out more regular stuff, so it doesn’t get boring waiting for the boss!
We’ve got two new monsters, five new artifacts, a balance pass on the weapons, tweaks to get some monsters feeling better, not to mention The Vault where you can see your progress in finding all the monsters/items etc.
With The Vault, we’ve laid the groundwork for a new mode we’ll be adding next update, where you’ll be able to practice your monsters against progressively more powerful heroes. It’s not quite ready yet but looks like it’s gonna be a cool addition!
whoa nice!!!
ive been playing since the very first release. is there a way to get an unlock code for all the base monsters/traps/items? im kind of getting burned out unlocking the grey spider for the 15th time.
Are your unlocks being reset each time? If so it would be a bug, we generally don’t do anything that would relock content you’ve previously unlocked
The solution to save your previous unlocked monsters/traps/items is just copying crawl.sav file to your new build. I hope it will help you.
oh wow! please redact my last post just noticed that my wish quit litterally just came true. love you guys, you are the best!
Awesome, been waiting for new monsters and a weapon (which looks OP)
Awesome update!!! How come the new purple baddie isn’t a Mushroom upgrade though?
I just like to spread the replicating mechanic out of that evolution tree a bit 🙂 and for me that mouth guy always needed to evolve into the demon- I like the idea that big demons grow out of these gross mouth pods haha!
Hahaha, now every time I play I’m going to imagine a tiny demon brewing in side the baddie waiting to explode out like some sort of nightmare butterfly to prey on the humanity of my friends. Awesome update once again!
Oh yisss!!!
I had to google what a “yurei” is… Google images scarred me for life.
O. MAH. GAWD. Nice little surprise I gotta say
You guys are my favorite Australians. Thank you for this! And I’m hotly anticipating monster practice mode!
– T
I love this about you, always finding room for improvement in places that seem perfect.
Just played the new update, everything is great!! One thing though: When I was playing as Mr. Chompy Shroom Guy, I found that whenever a clone intersected another clone’s acid path, they were damaged. Is this one purpose? If not, it’s just a minor bug you might want to look into. Thank you!
cheers for the heads-up, should be easy to fix 🙂
I was thourghly enjoying the update until I my 10 boss kill streak profile was consumed. Besides that, I would really like to know more about these Hero Challenges! Can you tell us more, or is that secret?
hehe 🙂 pretty sure we’ll have the challenges in for next update- it’s just an option to practise with each monster fighting against a hero in waves where he gets stronger and stronger
Just another small bug I found: when playing as the beam eye-bat, Sometimes whenever I attacked, I was facing one way and the beam was going in the opposite direction. Just a small thing I noticed!
Anyone know where I can get a copy? A guy said he would hook me up on the page for the last update,(which didn’t go through) but being 14, I don’t really have money to buy games. Great game guys, still loving this since finding it 2 years ago.
I really hope they make the following in coming updates:
1: a lategame spider, like a giant hairy tarantula or something
2: legendary weapons, something with a cool title and some sort of special attack pattern or abillity/stat (possibly cool glowing effect)
1. I was thinking the same thing (black widow maybe)
2. Would they be random items in store or are there criteria?
Well i was thinking that the legendary weapons would spawn at certain levels, like one at level 4 another at 6 and another at 7.
Then there would be an actual competition on getting to the shop the fastest.
Maybe there shouldnt spawn the portal-to-shop thingys at the legendary levels?
There should also be an arena mode, one where monsters fight monsters, heroes fight heroes, or just a random pentagram event where a ghost like version of your hero is summoned from a pentagram to fight as a monster.
THis g
-ame keep getting better and better ! (my typping isn’t :D)
Thanks a lot !
This update is amazing 😀 keep doing awesome work!
BTW: anyone know next update release date?
When next boss?
Soon enough, they’re 80% done. I doubt next update, most likely update after next.
You made a video about pixel animation, and I would be really interested if you made something about your coding/level design/item creation etc.
im loving Crawl, one of the best indie games i have ever played, i would like to see more bosses and i think the balance of the game is actually pretty good, keep the good work 😀
Great job guys, keep the updates coming…been playing since 0.3, definitely didn’t regret going for the early access.
Long time, without any news. We hope, that this is not the end of deving, crawl.
They are working on another Boss
They are developing another boss
This kind game and no HALLOWEEN CONTENT
Please please please consider internet based multiplayer. This game looks like a blast and really want to play with friends around the world.
It seems that one does not simply create a new boss AND go to a convention…
They have a lot left to learn, but we all love them! <3
Yeah, I was disappointed too, but doesn’t matter…
Hi, I was wondering, do you guys use game maker or unity? I was wondering which software to start learning and I wanted some feedback. Thanks. P.s. This game is SICK!
Hi 🙂 We use Unity for Crawl, though I’d probably suggest Game Maker if you’re just starting out with programming- being all 2D, and having the language syntax specifically designed around games, it will be simpler to pick up, and then you will be able to move on to c# or other languages after learning the basics in Game Maker
Hey great work guys i cant wait to see the game when it is finished and i cant wait for the next update