Powerhoof! merch

Blog update!

Comments are back!

After years of neglect I (Dave that is) have finally fixed wordpress so that comments show up on pages again! WordPress keeps updating automatically on me and breaking things, and I’ve been pretty lazy with fixing it. This site was really hacked together back in 2013 and it’s showing the signs! We haven’t exactly been writing much on this blog for the last few years either, poor thing’s been lonely.

Tshirts are back!

We have a new Tshirt Store! Thanks to my wife Clare for getting that sorted for us! Go grab some powerhoof shirts!

Infrequent updates are back!

So what else’s been happening? Well, we’re still going strong, just haven’t posting much here. We’ve been mainly hanging out on Discord (https://discord.gg/powerhoof) and sharing things there. Barney shares a lot of nice Acid Knife gifs on the twitter too.

So check out either of those places if you need more powerhoof in your life!

Read on for an update on The Drifter…

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