Who the hell are these guys and why do I like them so much already even though they haven’t released any games yet?
Well, down the bottom of the blog page you can see pretty much everything worth knowing about us: we have names, we have faces, Dave does the programming and Barney does the art and animation, and our eyes are exactly one pixel wide and the same exact colour as our hair!
Majestic aren’t we?
What did we do before this?
We’ve worked together on and off for the last seven or so years at a couple of proper games companies. Our early experience was with console titles, and most recently with iPhone games at the excellent Firemonkeys working on Flight Control, Real racing, Sims FreePlay, Spy Mouse, Mass Effect Infiltrator, plus a bunch of unreleased titles.
Why Throw All That Away?
While we both really loved working at Firemonkeys, it’s always going to be difficult to have real creative freedom while working at any big studio. Getting experience with growing trends in social and freemium gaming was extremely valuable, but it’s ultimately not why either of us got into the games industry. We both found ourselves in the position where we can afford to eat through savings for a bit and make some of stuff that excites us!
…and at the time it seemed fairly important to distance ourselves from THIS kind of thing.
Marketing. Ain’t it wonderful!