Finally got this one out woooooo! v0.9
Well, the hero intros that I thought would take a few weeks ended up taking months, but we’ve finally got them in there, along with a whole bunch of new monsters š

You can see the monsters there, and check out some examples of our randomly-generated intros here:
Our buddy Old Shrimpeyes really came though with the goods for the voiceover, with about 250 new lines recorded so hopefully they don’t get boring too quick!
Have fun with it guys, and as always don’t hesitate to comment here or in the Steam forums and let us know if you’ve got ideas on tweaks and improvements, or if you find and sneaky bugs that slipped through Dave’s withered fingers!
Awesome awesome awesome! I laughed out loud at the “Kevin the Destroyer” bit haha. One request though: 2560×1080 support for the widescreen folk. Love your game! Keep up the good work š
hehe cheers dude š I’ll look into the resolution thing, see if there’s an easy solution that doesn’t need a load of redone UI design!
yyyeeeeeeeeeeessssss! yes yeees yes!!!!!!!!!
nice work on the new update guys!
By the way will there be any new weapons/special abilities?
not in this update sorry, but I do have some stuff like that on the schedule for later on š
Awesome, is there any chance the Mac bug was solved in this update? I still can’t launch the game.
uhoh I hope we sorted it out- let us know if it’s still not working and we’ll look into it further!
You guys are winners. This game is a winner. I’m a winner for owning it. Keep winning!
cheers dude! Thanks for the support!
Hahah fellas! This is awesome!
Great way to decide who starts human as well. Top notch.
Cheers š I always felt a little funny about the starting hero just being random- this feels much more fair, and we get to sneak in a little story atmosphere!
Which abysmal shadow realm is responsible for the creation of such a perfect voice actor ?
hehe the voices are all done by our friend Shrimpy, who is a 3d artist we used to work with at AAA games companies
THIS LOOKS AMAZING. Bit surprised the statue boss isn’t in yet, guess he needed some more work? Can’t wait to give this a go when I get back from the office š .
cheers dude š yeah still a bunch more work to get the statue boss ready I’m afraid!
Any chance of a Ps4 port soon? Or online multiplayer? Either way this game is really awesome
EPIC! Finally a reason to get back together on the couch with my buddies for some serious CRAWLing!
:D! so glad to be helping give people an excuse to hang out and play games together!
I bought this game the second I saw it way back then and I love it to see it evolve <3
Amazing that you guys are pulling the community into the development process!
I hope I'm not one of "those" for asking this but.. an online multiplayer? š
Haha that’s okay š I know people ask for online multiplayer because they like the game and want to play, but it’s not always easy to organize people around in person. I find it hard to organize people around to play too, and I need it for testing!
To be honest online play is pretty much ruled out at this point- we did the research and found out how much work it would be, and the reality is we already have our hands 120% full just getting this version done- adding online would be doubling or trippling the workload, and I just don’t think we could do that without going crazy!
We will definitely keep everyone posted if the situation changes tho!
Kevin used splash!
But nothing happened…
Please update the linux package on Humble Bundle
Holy shit. I’m gonna have nightmares now, so friggen scared of Kevin that I think I’m going crazy…
I just stabbed my 3 friends to death and now I wander these comment ruins… Nearly every room seems to have monsters crawling out of the ground… They’re always strangely familiar seeming…
H3Lp mE…
It’s not so scary if you stumble to bingo room where is three mummy playing bingo
Beloved Powerhoof: You are officially my favorite game development studio. Everything you are doing is awesome. Your art: absolutely fantastic, retro nostalgia yet modern freeform. Your audio: compelling, environmental, appropriate and usually hilarious. And the programming quality is always top notch on every release. Features are well thought-out and well tested before I get my hands on them and I appreciate all the work you are doing around production value.
Please continue doing just exactly what you are doing!
Also of note: I finally introduced my Local Multiplayer Gaming meetup to your game and it was a huge hit! Everyone loved it.
– Tyler “Trylobot” Cole
Instant feedback right here, the Berserker Spell functions like the Dodge Roll.
I haven’t been able to replicate it, but it happened like this: bought berserker at level 12, went straight to the boss, Kourok, and used the spell the first time when I started fighting. Rolled instead of berserking. (Maybe I forgot to buy it or bought a roll to replace it accidentally)
And another thing: the Dr. Flappy is a tier one monster, with ranged attack, and the ability to block and stagger the hero, from all sides. The skeleton pirate is a tier two monster, with strong but slow melee, and the ability to block and stagger from the side he is facing. A little bit tweaking here, maybe. Dr. Flappy is one of the coolest designs, but the current version would fit tier 2 better. I really would like to see a whole chain of monsters styled like this fellow.
I got beserker and it worked so idk what happened to your game
Thank you so much! Im so excited to play this update! š
no worries dude!
Dang, you guys really pulled off something amazing with this update. Cheers and thanks for this amazing game.
no probs, thanks for the support!
All hail Super Pope!
#Make Skeletons Great Again
hehe I think you’ll find him a harsh but fair leader š
Just when I thought Crawl couldn’t get any better, you guys throw in a pair of dead horses.
Ok, in all seriousness, this update is the bomb. I seriously can’t stop listening to the intros! I just keep restarting just so I can hear OldShrimpEyes speak Hellfire into my ears. Don’t stop making those things, because they add a whole lot of atmosphere and value to the game.
Anyway, you’ve got me to wondering: Who writes those intros? Whenever I see any responses by the crew, they are almost always punctuated by smiley faces. It seems too cutesy of a person who writes something so deep and truly terrifying.
Haha cheers, we’re stoked you’re enjoying them! All the dialog is written by Dave and myself. I’m a huge Lovecraft fan, and Dave is really into story and dialog stuff in games, so we both really enjoy getting to be spooky and melodramatic for a while to write this stuff! Ye Old Shrimpeyes (our narrator) also offers up some great wording edits when we go to record, so it’s all a bit of a joined effort between the three of us š
I am so, so terribly happy that you guys keep updating this already awesome game. I downloaded RHB the other day and between that and Crawl your games take up about half of our bi-monthly couch party sessions. You guys are truly incredible – if you, uh, ever want to move up here to Ukraine to continue your game development, let me know. The booze is cheap and the girls are very pretty! Just sayin’.
In any case – keep up the fantastic work!
Hehe this offer of cheap booze and pretty girls is very enticing š we’ll put the word out if we’re ever heading that way for travel or work!
Really stoked to hear you’re having so much fun with Crawl and RHB- making local-multi games is pretty great when we hear people using them to get together and party with buddies- especially stoked to hear you’re liking RHB, that’s such a silly game and fun project for us!
Well guys, you’ve done it again. I’m sad the big 5-eyed glubfish didn’t make it in, but the monster designs that did are all great.
Also holy shit, those starting scenes are awesome and shrimpeyes did an awesome job voicing them. It’s really good that they add a bit of awesome dark gothic narrative without impeding the gameplay.
You guys really delivered. The update wasn’t quite what I expected (no big kevin) but in this case it was a good thing.
Yeah, I really wanted to get that guy in there too- I can tell he’s going to be one of my favourites! We just had to draw the line somewhere, or I’d keep adding stuff and never get and damn updates out š
Wait, Fishman and Tchernobyl Fish didn’t make it?
Well at least we have Kevin… That’s a victory in my book!
Yeah, I was very tempted to add the other two fish designs, but just had to draw the line somewhere- I’m pretty excited about those two though- I have big plans for their attacks!
The plan is to have the giant multi-eyed blobfish as powerful as a tier 4 (or maybe slightly more powerful) but the catch is you can only evolve to him straight from Kevin for one very high price… so in order to save up for him, you have to stick with Kevin in your roster for quite some time š
I am 100% in favor of this. Please pursue this train of thought.
I had the great fortune of introducing to this game to a pair of friends last weekend, and they hadn’t stopped raving about it all week. This past Friday we all hung out again with some new folks who had not seen the game, and not one of us had heard about the story intro update.
Suffice it to say, we were surprised as hell when all of us started human and immediately began combat to see who survived. It was epic. My roommate and I are floored that there are so many different introductions, as well. Excited to see where this goes.
Seem interesting!
Keep up with the good work guys!
Awesome update, though I did encounter a bug where the music cut out for the duration of a “turn” when I became hero.
I’ve been noticing music cuts as well…
hmmm thanks for the report both of you, we’re looking into it!
I got it when the soundtrack was changing from “Abyss” to the level 10 music and I teleported to the store at the same time. It then resumed when a sub 10 bot became the hero.
Hey! You guys are like, freaking incredible! This game is so fun, and easy to play! And the bosses are AMAZING. The first time my friends and I got to the second boss, we were like “IT CHANGES!?!” And then when we got to the third, instead of being disappointed it wasn’t different I was just pumped that I could fight it with the knowledge of how to beat it (unlike my unlucky friend). Thank you for making such a great game for all of us to play! Never stop being gods!
Do you think that the new boss will be coming with the next update?
And also I really think the bosses need some balancing done to them. Kourok is way too easy, and is hardly even a challenge. On the other hand, Ghidraak is incredibly powerful and very hard to fight. I think Kourok should be made a little stronger and Ghidraak should be weakened somehow. Maybe the heads don’t have another life after they get cut off? Or maybe the heads are just lower in health in general.
Thanks for the update! I’ve been waiting so long! Keep up the good work!
Kouroks left(our right) tentacles red creep attack feels a bit underpowered, so maybe improving it might make the fight a bit harder? I don’t think Ghidraak is too powerful, but he does obscure quite a lot of the screen. Coupled with the fire blocking more and the screen shaking, it’s difficult to see what is going on.
I love this game <3 But there i one thing i kinda dislike and thats the evolution Path for the wraith. I just don't like that it turns into a skeleton, i just don't Think it fits. The wraith is one of my favorite monsters in the game by far, because i Wonder whats behind the cloth/armor. If you see this could you please make the wraith Turn into something Else than a skeleton, something haunted or maybe even make it loose it's cloth and Turn into some kind of shadow beast or something
Keep up the good work, love the game and can't wait for the next boss
This is the best coop game ever. Period. New bosses and online play could make this one of the greatest games of all time.
There are some weird lifedrops when you use the berserker and get grabbed by the flying demon, like, entire bars emptied instantly
Just a suggestion… it would be cool if you did some kind of animated shorts or something like that!
ohh cool these new monsters look awesome , cant wait to play them all . but there are still some missing .
The Humble Store version is still from 12/05/2015, please update it as well!
Bosses havent gotten easier. Items got better
Another bug: when you lose in a bossfight and get thrown back to the dungeon, your monster killstreak gets reset.
Bug? Or Working-As-Intended? You did _lose_, after all.
I love this gam3. Trying now th3 update. I had this game cracked since i am poor as shitt,but as soon as i had some spare money,i insta bought it and i am not sorry at all xD Bought the humble bundle from here today to support the devs for new awesome updates :3 Cheerss and Hello to the s3xy developers xD
I’v now played like ten games, you were not kidding, there are A LOT of intros.
Hey Barnie,
Awesome job with the update. Its incredible :). Do you have plans to bring online multiplayer into crawl?
Hi Barney!
I just want to thank you, and everybody at Powerhoof for making this game! I found it on humble bundle monthly, and I had seen a previous version on Game Grumps. I spent a day with my buddies playing multiple party games like Duck Game and Gang Beasts, and when we tried Crawl, we stopped playing those for the rest of the night and only played this. This game is crazy easy to pick up, and even easier to have hours of fun with. I also want to thank you for not being done with the game, and I mean that in the best way possible. The fact that the game is this good, and content is STILL being created for it makes me super jazzed to the point where I’m actually checking your site every week for updates. Props to all of you for making an excellent game. š Good luck to each of you!
Ohai der Barney
My sole wish for this time is for more weapon models to come around someday (like the Khopesh actually being a slight banana shape)
The game is just that good, I don’t even know what to suggest (except for keeping up this great work, that is). As for what’s already in the game, maybe Kourok needs a small buff. This is gonna be a little complicated and maybe the comments isn’t the right section to post it, but let’s do that before I forget.
My idea is making the laser hitbox a bit wider and adding two imaginary lines at the edges of the hitbox that 1) knock players away from the laser when they walk into it, but still not have enough force to prevent someone walking in a direction perpendicular to the line from getting in the laser and 2) have their powers working together to keep players inside the laser if caught in the middle. This means that area denial with the beap inbetween the exploding thing and the human is possible and you either have to dodge perfectly through it, not just walk through, but risk getting caught inside the laser. Maybe this seems out of character, but seeing as Kourok opens his mouth doing so, this could be an excuse to why that’s gonna happen (he could be sucking the player towards the laser).
Overall nice update, can’t wait to see the next one, would love to see more weapons, more types of magic and spells (books!) and I can seriously cannot contain my hype for what will be going on when the early access is over. Still, great job till now.
Man, the fish’s walking animation is the BEST…also my last comment was deleted? Dammit, it was quite the essay.
Surprised because I said walking, were you not? Well, hes Kevin the Destroyer, for goodness sake!
hmm that’s annoying- maybe got caught by out spam filter? we have a million spam bots trying to post advertising and rubbish to the forums, so it might have got lumped in with them somehow? I’ll have a look and see if I can recover it!
Hey when are you going to release the forest type area becuase I thought it was better than the mines and castle
Really love this new version !
The little stories that start each game are really adding something. And there’s so much of them !!! <3 (the "napoleon" one is incredible !)
Also like the "more traps in some rooms" feeling… and also : super pope is amazing to play with or against !
Great work.
Great job on the update. The intros and the starting hero fight make the game even more expanding. Just wondering, are you or David planning on having another video on the amazing animating you do? Great job on the whole of the game! š
yeah I’ve been planning to do more animation vids, but I keep ending up working from my tablet where I don’t have the mic or processing power for all the capture stuff, so I end up putting it off… but hopefully I’ll get to it some time soon!
Ok. Thanks for the reply.
This game looks fricken great. You should do early access on GOG. I keep almost buying it on Steam, but I know on release I’d rather have it on GOG so I end up just waiting.
I’d be down to do some voice work for you guys. Let me know if there’s interest and I’ll send some samples.
Ohai der.
Recently i started trying to make Crawl-ish pixel art, and i came up with an idea and look for a new type of weapon, i would love if you would tell me what you think.
Woops forgot to add the link.
cool design š yeah I’d love to get a chance to put a proper halberd in there some time!
Council of Toms… APPROVE!!
Where is dwarfs!!!?? Great uptade, it was depressing sometimes when you never/always was first player. Im also wonderin how long you keep adding monsters? How much more can we expect
This game is great, especially the pixel art style <3 the one thing that would make this game absolutely amazing, and i know you must have heard this a million times, online multiplayer š
Hey Jaymee, thanks for the encouragement! We did look into online play and did a bunch of testing and prototyping, but in the end we discovered it’s just too much for our little 2-man studio to take on. Maybe things will change in the future, but for the time being we’ve got our hands way over-full just trying to get the base local-multi game up to scratch. Adding online play to that would be multiplying our workload hugely, and I just don’t think I’d be able to handle the extra pressure! Sorry for the news- we’ll let everyone k ow if the situation changes š
I wouldnt mind if there wasnt online, LAN would be amazing. But the local coop concept is great as well. ( If only i had enough friends ;n;)
Thanks for the reply š Can’t believe 2 people made such a great looking game, tbh the lack of online multiplayer doesn’t hurt the game that much, the single player experience is actually pretty fun, none of my irl friends play much games, so i haven’t tried the local multiplayer, but iv’e heard its awesome.
Thanks for that game, for me (and lots of my friends) its the best local multiplayer game ever. We pass so many night to play, and all the time its was so great. The gameplay/the soundtrack/… all of those are just perfect.
So thank you guys for building that game, and i hope it will be as famous as its awesomeness .
Ps: Sorry for my bad english
Thanks so much for the support š so good to hear this!!
First off love the game, every little update blows my mind on how much better it makes the game. Its dominated all my get together with friends that we have to set some time aside to play crawl at any meet.
One tiny little “Issue” I’ve found with the Kevin update is that I dont think books and followers follow you as “Tight” as they did in the previous one. This could be me miss remembering things, it could be a balance change you guys did, or it could be a quirk with the new engine. Either way it makes my “Booknomancer” builds a bit trickier as I have to wait longer for my books to catch up with me (I think)
Hmm thanks for the encouragement š we haven’t changed anything to alter those followers, but it’s possible something in the change had an unexpected effect- I’ll be sure to have a look and see before the next update!
I keep almost buying it on Steam, but I know on release Iād rather have it on GOG so I end up just waiting.