We did it! We make our silly basketball game in two weeks, and now we’ve packaged it up and it’s ready to play!

It’s local multiplayer, for 2-10 players, and it really is an explosively ordinary game of basketball, with absolutely nothing weird going on and DEFINITELY no giant robotic death machines!
thanks Powerhoof, this is a very nice birthday present 🙂
Woo no worries haha hope you have some fun with it!
This is hilarious fun with 2 people. I imagine it would be even more confusing with 10.
Haha yes-it gets more fun but more difficult with every person 🙂
This game made my day!
I played it at lunch with a friend and we had a great time! 😀
Amazing job, guys 🙂
I’m really impressed by your synergy, keep on making awesome games together!
cheers, super excited to hear you’re having fun with our crazy game!
Goodness gracious, another gem from you guys. Had an absolute blast playing this with my nephew yesterday. Thanks for being the awesome people you are, releasing it for free was really nice of y’all.
Hope it’ll shine a little more light on Powerhoof and Crawl, you guys are the masters of multiplayer games in my eyes.
cheers dude, thanks for the support- it has been a fun change of pace to do a complete game in such a short time, definitely helps to stop things getting stale!
Just played it on Monday and I had a blast! Thank you so much for the free release it just made my day. Also I wish I could play ten player but I don’t have controllers 🙁
yeah we actually have some issues with that stuff- we have a build where 2 players can share a controller but it’s buggy at the moment. Once we iron out the kinks, we might put that out there too, so people can get more humans involved!
Absolutely love your game guys <3 although I have a question, how do I connect ten players to the game?
it’s pretty fiddly haha. you theoretically can have 6 controllers and 4 sharing the keyboard, but there are some limitations:
xbox 360 controllers stop registering after 4, so you can’t have all 6 be 360s
most keyboards have an issue with sending more than 4 or so button presses at once, so you’re best to have multiple keyboards plugged in with 1 person using arrows, another using wasd, another on uhjk and another on numpad (and just agree not to grief eachother by pressing their buttons but secretly do it anyway)
there are some types of keyboard that don’t have this issue, so you could always track down one of those and jusrt squeeze 4 people together over the board
because this is quite fiddly, we’ve put together a version where 2 people can share a controller, to easily get 8 people on 4 controllers- not sure what our plans are for the shared controller version- i would take some UI work and stuff to intergrate it well, but hopefully we can give people that option at some point
I HATE BEING THIS DUDE (but I just can’t help myself). How is progress on crawl going? Thanks for making your AMAZING GAMES.
hehe no worries 🙂 crawl is coming along well- been working on the final version of the evolve/level results menus for the last 2 1/2 weeks, and there’s still loads more to do on them- it’s kinda boring really compared to making new monsters and stuff which is why I haven’t had much to post, but those menus will finally look like they’re not placeholder junk anymore!
Love the game! Just played it with 5 friends and craziness ensued!
this game is extremely fun to play with some Friend and very original!!!
Are you gonna add other content? Because with some other sport, or even combat robot, I could definitely pay for this!!! Anyway, awesome game and keep up the good work!!
Thank you so much! This game is so frantically enjoyable. I can’t get enough of your games. Keep up the awesome work!
Super fun game! I have a really bad computer and I can have the best quality 😀
The simplest games are the best ! Thanks for this awesome 2D game. It will be a lot of fun, in the car, with gamepads.
We need more developers like you 😉
OMG so creative. kudos to you guys, it is so fun to play, u guys really make very good multiplayer games
hope you turn this game into a full version with different modes.
Thanks 🙂 we are considering maybe expanding the idea once we have Crawl more finished
Reporting back from 8 player game (4 shared controllers)!
Great fun, but the craziness of the game combined with the controller sharing made things a bit too frantic, so people got quite physically tired after just 3-4 games. Would be sweet to be able to use 8 controllers of the bat, but I understand the limitations of the game 🙂
Plus, any game where the physics engine bugs out when things get pinched, launching gigantic robots 100 feet up into the air is a A++ game to me!
Looking forward to trying Crawl on the next gaming session!
We had some great fun playing two at a time. Unfortunately we cannot get USB controllers to do anything in the game, even though they are configured correctly in windows and are even recognized in the config. Which, however, does not seem to do much. – Like wasd still works even after replacing it with pad buttons, but pads do nothing. :\