Ridiculous things…

After all the complaints and horror stories and articles about how hard you have to work and how patient you have to be, we bizarrely got through Greenlight in the first day!

It seems like the perfect storm of circumstances came together (I think mostly within Twitter) and splattered our trailer across the industry in record time!

Luckily Crawl seems to be just the right concept to be communicated in a short trailer, and I think what we came up with gives our “elevator pitch” pretty effectively. (Note that I fought my urge to end every sentence with an exclamation mark and just went with the classic full-stop there)… !


So ridiculous!

That green line is us- look at us go! We ended up with 94% yes votes, where we were expecting more like 50%- WOW!

We have been inundated with compliments and kind words from the community, and we are amazed with the positive response! Thanks so much everyone who voted and everyone who commented so kindly!

Comments by people enjoying the trailer built into articles built into more comments- it seems like Twitter just magnified itself and things hit some kind of flash point and exploded.

And then this:

In amongst the crazy positive talk and wonderful overt compliments and encouragement and enthusiasm, I see this:


Jake Rodkin and Jonathan Blow have a minor exchange loosely referring to my game, and it is the most surreal experience. So casual and low-intensity and simultaneously the most ridiculous brain-melting shift in the structure of the world imaginable…

Cropped out of shot is my mouse cursor hovering as I try to build up the courage to post a reply… anything… just “hi guys I think you’re cool!”…

Needless to say I chickened out!

I chickened all the way back to my own blog where I can giggle like a little schoolgirl and try to adjust to this massive shift in perspective- and things seem likely to get more ridiculous still- I’ll try to keep you posted!!

In hindsight I should have just said: wizaaaard!


  1. Nícolas

    Powerhoof, team. I am amazed by your game. This is fantastic. I want to become a game developer and this game looks so fucking cool. Inspired my to keep my goal.

    Thank you for this opportunity to see this. I am going to buy this game whenever it releases.

    Good luck and best wishes for you, guys.

  2. Congrats guys! Having followed the progress of this game for a good while, It really made me so happy to see such a great trailer for a game that I knew from the beginning was going to be a gem.

    What made me even happier was going through all my favorite news sites so see it being given the attention and reaction it deserves.

    You guys are helping to bring back my family gaming nights! It’s something I’ve sorely missed from my childhood, having my four brothers and our friends together to just game and have a good time. We all live far apart these days, but the next time we’re together I want this to be the first game we all play. It’ll be amazing, and all of the nephews and nieces will think so too!

    Wishing you two all the best,

    • Thanks Rob, that is so encouraging to hear! So much of the fun of crawl is the silly social stuff of being together in the same room and going after each other, even with online support it would really be no substitute to the silliness the players make around the game 🙂

      • Exactly! Online is always a nice feature, as sadly so many people don’t always have the opportunity to have a few people together in one place to game. Its becoming more of a norm these days, and I’ve sadly seen some great games slip off the radar for many people for not having that feature alone(Samurai Gunn comes to mind).

        I’m super thankful for having such a huge family, online is cool, but it has never compared to the amount of fun I have sitting in a room to play together! My fam can be pretty competitive too, which makes it all the better!

  3. Heather

    I am so excited for you! The game looks amazing, and I can’t wait to play. Thank you for sharing your excitement with us 🙂


    • Cheers! Things are getting pretty crazy, I’m sure we’ll have loads more excitement to share as we release on early access and start getting feedback and working with everyone to refine the gameplay and add all the awesome extra features I’ve been dreaming about!

  4. Tzitzimime

    Congratulations Barney, on the inevitable overwhelming success awaiting you and David. Who knew all you needed was a catchy trailer and a little exposure to garner this much sudden attention for the game? Now that you have over 500 comments on the Steam page and Jonathan Blow singing your praises, can we still expect your charming wit and personal attention to responses back here on the blog? Or have you gone all big-time on us? Remember not to forget the little people…

    • haha thanks it’s all very exciting 🙂 we’re just thinking one step at a time and trying not to screw anything up! Thanks for encouraging us the whole time, i’m sure things will stay pretty much the same in here…

      (this message may have been posted by the new Powerhoof butler, with barney and dave busy buying solid gold hats)


    • hehe thanks Mongo! now we’ve just gotta clean up the build and we’ll be launching on steam early access as soon as possible!

      we had expected to have at least a month to clean things up while we waited for greenlight, so now we’ve got to work like mad to keep up!

  6. Complete_zero

    This is freaking amazing! God, its like the awesome is tangible. Good luck finishing up, and I can’t wait to thow ALL MY MONEY AT YOU.

  7. “its like the awesome is tangible”- absolutely, it is a weird and exciting feeling! so much encouragement right from the start, it’s great to have like-minded people along for the ride 🙂

    i’m off now to buy some kind of money-umbrella or helmet…

  8. I feel so bad for complaining about the audio now!

    • Barney

      hahaha I did put some reverb on the voice after your suggestion, but it was quite subtle- I was too exhausted from working on it to try out all the over-the-top things like reverse reverb and stuff- might still try it if we do some “meet-the-monster” type things 🙂

  9. When the alpha build is ready, will it be released on early access? Or will you wait for beta?

    • yep, we’ll put the alpha up for early access- hoping to develop features organically from there depending on what the players are into 🙂

  10. thanks so much for replying!
    Having a developer so interactive with the community should turn out great. Will buy as soon as it comes out. Any price range yet?

    • no worries, it’s fun getting to chat with people after hiding away in our rooms working alone all this time! we haven’t thought much about price yet- i guess we’ll look to see what other similar scope indie games are charging 🙂

  11. All those animations look awesome. Really looking forward for this game.

    What language is the game written in? Or do you use a game engine?

    • hey Bagus 🙂 we’re using Unity, with scripting in C# and using an extension called ex2d to help with sprite sheets and other 2d-related stuff!

      • Oh Unity! Nice. In that case, you heard about them making it easier to put Unity games on Vita right? wink wink nudge nudge

        • hehe yeah lots of people have suggested that- i guess it feels less likely than ps4 because of the focus on local multiplayer? still worth investigating tho 🙂

          • Oh yeah, that’s right, it wouldn’t make much sense with such a multiplayer core. Vita is great, but I don’t have many that I play multiplayer with.

  12. Thanks for the reply. Why don’t you use Unity’s newly added Unity2D “update”? Is there stuff that only can be done with the ex2d extension?

    • really just because none of that was around when we started the project, so we had already developed workflows etc with ex2d. We’re still planning to do some testing with the new 2d features when we get a chance, and may convert some things over if they perform better or offer better workflow, but as it stands we’re pretty happy with ex2d so it doesn’t seem urgent to look into changing- especially with so many urgent gameplay features and bugs and things taking priority!

  13. Pingback: Some Announcements: Trailer, Greenlight & Fulltime Indie | Gambrinous Blog

  14. I know it’s probably too early to consider, but damn I hope you guys port this to PS4, it looks awesome.

    • hi 🙂 we have talked about it and we would love to put crawl on ps4, but we have to get the pc version up to scratch before we seriously consider other platforms

      • Thanks for responding! That’s definitely understandable. I mostly am just hoping it ends up there some day because I’m really impressed with what you guys have done. Keep it up!

        • cheers! we did catch up with some guys from Sony while we were at GDC, and they seem very keen to have games like Crawl on PS4- I think they would be good to work with, so it looks positive for the future…

          but for now just working like crazy to get the Steam Easly Access version ready!

  15. Pingback: 【Crawl】ヒーローの座を奪い合いつつダンジョンを探索する2DアクションがSteamのGreenlight通過

  16. Pingback: Getting Your Game Greenlit In 2014 | Gambrinous Blog

  17. Pingback: Blog: Getting your game through Steam Greenlight in 2014 - Apps | Games | Tech Jobs

  18. hi guys I think you’re cool! *3*

    Keep up the good work! 😀 Can’t wait to play the game!

  19. camshe

    Is it xboxe 360?

  20. camshe

    Is it xboxe 360?

  21. camshe

    Whoops srry didnt mean to say that agian

    • hehe 🙂 we’ve looked into getting to xbox a little and it looks promising, but we won’t be thinking about it seriously until the pc version is more developed

  22. Pingback: First Strike » First Strikes Flight Through Greenlight – Week 1: “Halfway There”

  23. Pingback: 20 days on Steam Greenlight | Ceiba3D Studio
