The manliest of pursuits
So I took up cross stitching a while back to keep my fingers limber when I’m away from my keyboard. Keeps the agonising cramps at bay. It was either that or see a doctor- but that would have involved leaving the house.
(Click images for full size)
Cave story
More after the break…
Hero’s Quest
This game inspired me so much, the series is still one of my all time favorites.
LeChuck from MI2
You really appreciate the details of a sprite when you’re painstakingly stitching every pixel, and this was probably the most enjoyable one I’ve done.
I’ll have a crack at some Crawl ones soon, stay tuned!
Wow. Those are undeniabley awesome.So is crawl, by the way, so the two being combined may or may not end in the explosion of the universe then it collapsing back on itself and recreating the reality in which the Crawss Stich was made. Also, love the Cave Story one.
Cheers! I guess it’s a risk we’ll have to take.
These cross-stitches are nice, Dave. Also you both seem like cool people and your blog is funny. Your ideas are presented well and your enthusiasm for making games is infectious. I hope Crawl does well. I hope you get to make many games. Here’s to you, Powerhoof.
Awesome stuff, Dave. I want to get my cross-stitch on! 🙂
Thanks Muz, get into it!