Statue Worship!
Here is the work-in-progress intro animation for the boss, where the Shaman gives him life 🙂 Obviously there’s a lot more work to do, but you should get the basic idea of what it’s going to look like.

Here is the work-in-progress intro animation for the boss, where the Shaman gives him life 🙂 Obviously there’s a lot more work to do, but you should get the basic idea of what it’s going to look like.
The statues mouth should start dripping blood.
Looks awesome, thanks for the update Barney!
Amazing! So excited!
Brutal death metal! In fact, bet that would go very well with the scene.
@Barney, here’s an idea for the background music: it could start with a short peaceful generically religious-ish music at first then turns into metal when the dude cuts his heart open and wakes up the beast 😀
Regards, a fan of your two games (Crawl gives me feels, and Regular Human B-Ball is hilarious as hell!) and a fellow passionate dev
I love this game! And it is only getting better too!
The Council of Toms Approve. We look forward to you great work!
I concur. 😉
This game is kid friendly right?
It has pixelated blood spurts and splashes. If they’re cool with that, there’s nothing else I can think of that’s “mature”
The Giant is topless, but since you never specify its gender, this is arguably not nudity.
Nice! 🙂
Woot woot.
Just a quick question, what program do you use for pixel art? I’ve been trying to learn how to be just half as good as you (your talent cannot be matched 🙂 ) and i dont even know where to start. Any tips?
pretty sure its Photoshop CC
You guys should really revive the idea of merch for this game. I’ve been dying to get my hands on a crawl T-Shirt. And the soundtrack is sweet as well. Maybe you guys could do it through Bandcamp (for the music) and (for the merch). 😀
Yeah I’d love to do tshirts- just hard to find the time!
They are streaming Crawl for 3,5k people (in Finnish)
How many bosses do you plan to introduce into Crawl? Fantastic work by the way! Though I do miss the Blood Idol. 🙁 It was always a small ray of hope down the Deep Dank. Keep making Crawl awesome! I hope to see you at the next Game Developers Conference!
Yeah I do miss him spraying out the gold and getting to run around and collect it, but it was just one extra layer of complication on an already kind of unintuitive system, so it seemed right to strip it back and make things simpler.
I’d like to have 5 or more bosses for full launch, but the way things are going we might well end up with only 3. I will be very keen to keep adding bosses after launch though, so hopefully we’ll end up with a good variety.
I would not mind a recycled boss, like the hydra with Kouroks eye and tentacles instead of head.Or a palette-swapped boss. Easy(?) way to get some variety.
Yep, this is something we’ll be looking into. Because the bosses take so long, I don’t want to delay the game 1 year and only get 2 or 3 extra bosses in that time, but I think we might be able to get some variants on existing bosses in only a few months. Anyway only time and prototyping will tell if that works out! 🙂
How’s the boss going now that its been a month and a half sense the last update?
I mean a month… not a month and a half
Yeah, sorry to say this has been a long one. I ended up taking a month holiday off around Christmas, and I just got back form 2 weeks in USA for GDC, so this update time is being stretched out much more than I’d like.
The boss definitely won’t be ready for the next update, but I have somre other cool stuff to add over the next few weeks, and can hopefully get an update out then.
Cool… Thanks for the info. Can’t wait for the new updates.
I have a favor to ask. The Humble Bundle Store linux package is still at 0.8.0, could you update it? No rush of course, if it’s a simple matter to just press button and update, great, if it takes a bunch of time, I can wait, it isn’t a huge deal. I figured you likely didn’t update it because you forgot as it isn’t as widely used as the Windows package.
So excited for this. CRAWL just keeps getting better and better.
I’m currently in the process of making a cabinet for it.
Are you gonna blog that kick-ass opening fight video? With some more info?
Just watched the new opening fight scene, amazing stuff. Will the narration carry on throughout the rest of the game? It would be amazing to have the voice pop in at critical moments, or even have it drop hints/foreshadowing about secrets/surprises/puzzles within the levels. Keep up the amazing work!
would you recommend gip or photoshop for pixel animation?
I use Photoshop and find it good, though I’m actually pretty curious to try out Aesprite too.
Aseprite is awesome
Also, update when T_T
Hehe we’re working hard on the update, probably ready in the next 2 weeks or so
Is it normal that when I choose random for a god, Chz or other gods are impossible to get?
hmm yeah good point, we had some debug stuff to stop them coming up in testing, and must still be part of the random choice- I really need to fix the vampric ring some time so it scales properly, and in turn fix the balance of Chz!
i’d love to see more content on the game, but else the content would be crap if you wouldnt take as much time as you guys do actually:D
Hehe cheers 🙂 it’s tough having such a small team but such big dreams for the game! I want to do so much, but each thing takes such a long time, we always have to sacrafice/prioritize, and it still takes ages to get it out sometimes!
Do you have an idea when the update will be out? I’m so excited about the next one and I absolutely adore this game. I assumed it would be out today since you were able to answer peoples questions today, but if not, I would really like to hear back from you and when you think the next update will be here! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Sorry for the delays, this one keep on stretching out. I’m expecting all the content to be finished by the end of next week (the 6th) and then to spend a good chunk of the week after testing and getting the builds ready… so some time in the next two weeks 🙂
Also, Ive noticed 2 monsters in the trailer who is not in the game. Are they ideas who did not make it or possible new monsters?
Still planning to get those guys in there- they’re currently half-implemented, but just haven’t had time in the schedule to get them in. I’ll be putting in some new monsters over the next week for this update, and one or both might make it in 🙂
That great! Looking forward to seeing more content from you guys!
Please be sure to keep us updated! I’m very interested in what you do and how you do it. Keep up the good work.
One Year Later……