Powerhoof! Ice Vine Simulator 2015

The backstory…

We recently went to GDC and shared a tiny hotel room with @sunraheadgear. We had stocked up on milk to breakfast on and keep our bones in good nick, but discovered much to our chagrin that the room had no bar fridge. There was a ice machine in the hall, broken, but bearing a sign which directed us across the street and up some stairs to it’s functioning twin.

Thus began a nightly ritual of vineing ourselves collecting ice to maintain optimum milky temperatures.

See the full story here, vines and all!

The game…

On the plane back from GDC we all had a little gamejam to celebrate our icy adventures- Here’s the result!

If you have an android phone you can get the authentic experience by downloading and installing this APK – http://www.powerhoof.com/public/prototypes/icevine/IceVine.apk